Promise me friend, you will spend no more money on...

  • certifications

  • courses on speaking

  • paid anthology book

  • virtual assistants

  • marketing companies

  • business mindset coaches

  • social media managers

  • done for you funnel builds

  • courses on how to create a course

  • expensive networking groups

  • appointment setters

 …until you know the foundation of your marketing works. 

There's no end to the support coaches can purchase for their businesses. It seems fun, awesome and so sexy to think of yourself standing on a stage, at your book signing or your course making money while you sleep. AND, marketers that target coaches know that. They know you are a coach on a mission, and you struggle with sales. These marketers create “solutions” that get more potential clients into your world (most even have good intentions). And coaches keep buying!

I want you my friend to pinky promise me NO MORE purchases, until you know your foundation is solid. How will you know that? You will have clients purchasing your coaching programs.  It might not be all the clients you want, but you will be regularly closing clients easily into your program. 

Promise me friend, you will spend no more money on...

  • certifications

  • courses on speaking

  • paid anthology book

  • virtual assistants

  • marketing companies

  • business mindset coaches

  • social media managers

  • done for you funnel builds

  • courses on how to create a course

  • expensive networking groups

  • appointment setters

 …until you know the foundation of your marketing works. 

There's no end to the support coaches can purchase for their businesses. It seems fun, awesome and so sexy to think of yourself standing on a stage, at your book signing or your course making money while you sleep. AND, marketers that target coaches know that. They know you are a coach on a mission, and you struggle with sales. These marketers create “solutions” that get more potential clients into your world (most even have good intentions). And coaches keep buying!

I want you my friend to pinky promise me NO MORE purchases, until you know your foundation is solid. How will you know that? You will have clients purchasing your coaching programs.  It might not be all the clients you want, but you will be regularly closing clients easily into your program. 

Why build a foundation?

Having Laura Hulleman in your back pocket as you grow your business is the best gift you could ever give yourself. Her open-minded, roll-up-our-sleeves experiential lab style approach has been transformative for my business. Because of her Endotype Formula tool, she understands me in ways I don't get myself. I know a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t work for me. While working with her, she always goes back to how I'm designed. Whenever we are working on marketing messages, branding, or content creation, she looks at my design and the design of my clients. This helps us shape my marketing message to land for them in a way that's authentic for me but also resonates with them. Having Laura in your corner is invaluable; she's the best friend your business could ever have.

-Coach Teresa

Don’t throw away one more dollar. The marketers out there want to sell you a way to generate more leads. But what good are more leads, if the leads you have don’t turn into customers. If the foundation of your marketing is cracked, crooked or broken, you will be too! Broke!

Are you listening yet to the Raving Coaches podcast?

On the podcast we talk about the business of coaching.

How do we find clients?

How do we avoid predatory marketers?

What are your coaching gifts?

Let's create hundreds of profitable coaching business!!

Whether you are a new coach just starting out or an experienced coach looking to take your business to the next level, this podcast is for you.

Are you listening yet to the Raving Coaches podcast?

On the podcast we talk about the business of coaching.

How do we find clients?

How do we avoid predatory marketers?

What are your coaching gifts?

Let's create hundreds of profitable coaching business!!

Whether you are a new coach just starting out or an experienced coach looking to take your business to the next level, this podcast is for you.